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Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

How to Train My Puppy: Stop Barking

Simple tips to get Train your Puppy to Stop BarkingMostly, problem barkers bark because they are bored. Accustomed to a lot of attention, they don't know how to behave when alone. More often than not, we have set this up ourselves. We want our dogs to be happy, so we spoil them: our dogs get treats and petting whenever they wish. It is entirely normal for owners to act this way and entirely normal for dogs to complain when they feel neglected.Here are some simple tips to get Train your Puppy to Stop Barking:- Make sure you have done the basic things: See that your dog has food and water, and a comfortable place to relax where he can't see people or other pets. If necessary, bring him indoors.- Believe it or not, the words you say mean nothing to a dog. What matters the way you say those words and the message delivered by your body language. When you overdo it by repeatedly reassuring your dog that everything is ok and you'll be back soon, you are making things worse. Excitedly greeting the dog on your return reinforces the idea that staying alone for the day really is a big deal.- Stop praising and petting your dog for doing nothing. This won't be easy, but you've got to do it and the entire family must cooperate. For now at least, the only time you should even touch your dog is when he has responded correctly to a command.- Practice being out of touch. Because you aren't petting and stroking and fondling him all the time, your dog should be learning now that it's ok to be "out of touch" for short periods. Get some good chew toys. Nylabones and Kongs are excellent. Let your dog become distracted with a chew toy, then calmly and quietly leave the room, closing the door behind you.Give your dog something to do while you are gone. Dogs left alone during the day are in a terribly unnatural situation, isolated with nothing to do. Instead of barking and tearing up the house, your dog can keep himself busy by earning his food.

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